My Yoga Journey


Finding Svadhisthana

Similar to exploring a new trail in Nature, you never know where a path may take you, and what you discover about yourself along the way. My yoga journey began in 2009 during a difficult time of transition in my life. Personally, I hit rock bottom, fell into a depression, and my self esteem tanked. A friend gave me wise advice to keep my body strong in order to keep my mind clear. I understood this mind/body connection and had never tried yoga but heard of its many benefits.


From my very first class I knew I would continue this practice. The rigorous and challenging poses allowed my heart to crack open and allow the seed of yoga’s healing to fall in and take root. This self nurturing slowly made me realize the power of yoga to improve my own psychological health, my mental well being, and my physical body. It also taught my spirit to get up and stand on solid ground again.

The benefits were gradual yet noticeable. I found my svadhisthana स्वाधिष्ठान, my “dwelling place of self.” From that center I grew and learned to flourish.


My journey of self inquiry continued when I had the pleasure of attending my first queer yoga retreat through Queer Yoga Church in the summer of 2019. That one special weekend was a catalyst for my intention to dive deeper. I got hooked. I committed to learning more and within a few months an opportunity presented itself. I attended my 200-HR training at YogaRiot in 2020 during the early days of the global pandemic. After graduating that summer I immediately began teaching online and at outdoor parks. I then continued my studies with an advanced 300-HR training through Grace’s Anatomy later that year. In December, on Winter Solstice, I launched Sunray Yoga to pay forward my gift, to pass the knowledge and medicine of yoga to my family, friends, and community both near and far.

“Yoga truly is medicine. It can benefit us in ways that we may not first realize; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We can all learn how to access this tool for great healing and this is how I empower my students.”

— Sunray Gmeiner-Perez


My Teachers

The knowledge I teach comes from what I distilled from my teachers. I honor their wisdom and the wisdom from this lineage, our ancestors that were on this path. These are my mentors that have inspired me to be who I am today.

Dashi Steven Baugh

Annie Ory
Kari Doherty
Katie Presley
Jerrelle Wilson

Roger McKeever
Grace Jull
Brenda Feurstein
Laura Ahrens
Nadine McNeil
Jovinna Chan